
Home / News / Industry news / How does the healthy oil-free cooking air fryer make food crispy?

How does the healthy oil-free cooking air fryer make food crispy?

The reason why the Healthy oil-free cooking air fryer can make food crispy mainly relies on its unique working principle and efficient cooking method. Although it does not use traditional frying methods, the air fryer successfully simulates the effect of traditional frying by utilizing high-speed circulation of hot air, thereby making the surface of the food crispy. 

1. High-temperature hot air circulation: The heating element inside the air fryer will generate high-temperature hot air, and then use the internal fan to circulate the hot air at high speed. This high-temperature hot air circulation can quickly heat the food surface to a high temperature in a short period of time, making the food surface crispy quickly.

2. Evaporation and dehydration of water on the food surface: The high temperature of the hot air will quickly evaporate the water on the food surface, causing the food surface to become dry. As water evaporates and dehydrates, the moisture on the food surface will gradually decrease, while increasing the contact area between the food surface and the air, which is conducive to a more uniform heating effect.

3. Caramelization reaction on the food surface: Under the action of high-temperature hot air, the sugars on the food surface will undergo a caramelization reaction. This reaction creates a golden appearance on the surface of the food and gives it its characteristic aroma and taste.

4. The protein on the surface of the food coagulates: The high-temperature hot air will cause the protein on the surface of the food to quickly coagulate and form a hard shell. This shell can effectively protect the moisture inside the food and prevent it from losing, thus keeping the food moist during the cooking process.

5. Rapid heat transfer: The high-speed circulation of hot air allows the food surface to quickly contact the high-temperature air, accelerating the heat transfer rate. In this way, the surface of the food can quickly reach the appropriate cooking temperature, resulting in a crispy crust in a short time.

The reason why the healthy oil-free cooking air fryer can make food crispy mainly relies on the comprehensive effect of high-temperature hot air circulation, evaporation and dehydration of water on the food surface, caramelization reaction, protein coagulation, and rapid heat transfer. This unique cooking method allows the air fryer to still produce a mouth-watering crispy texture without using oil, providing people with a healthier and more delicious cooking option.