
Home / News / Industry news / How does the healthy oil-free cooking air fryer ensure that the nutrients of food are not lost?

How does the healthy oil-free cooking air fryer ensure that the nutrients of food are not lost?

Healthy oil-free cooking air fryers have certain advantages in ensuring that the nutrients of food are not lost, mainly because of its unique working principle and cooking method. Although no additional fat is used during the cooking process, the air fryer can effectively retain the nutrients in the food through high-temperature hot air circulation.

1. Fast cooking time: The air fryer can quickly heat the surface of the food to a high temperature through rapid circulation of high-temperature hot air, thus shortening the cooking time. Compared with traditional frying cooking methods, air fryers require shorter cooking times, allowing food to be cooked in a shorter time and reducing the loss of nutrients.

2. Maintain food moisture: When cooking in an air fryer, the moisture on the surface of the food will evaporate quickly, but due to the high-speed circulation of hot air, the moisture inside the food can be better maintained. Compared with traditional deep-frying cooking methods, food cooked in an air fryer is more moist and nutrients are more easily retained.

3. No extra fat used: Air fryers do not require the addition of extra fat during the cooking process, which means the food does not absorb excess fat, thereby reducing unhealthy fat intake. Compared with traditional frying cooking methods, the food cooked in the air fryer is healthier and the nutrients are easier to retain.

4. Gentle heating method: The air fryer uses high-temperature hot air circulation for heating. Compared with the traditional frying oil cooking method, this heating method is gentler. In this gentle heating method, food is more likely to retain its original nutrients, thereby reducing the loss of nutrients.

5. Uniform heating: The fan inside the air fryer can ensure that the hot air can evenly cover the surface of the food, so that the food can be heated evenly. This uniform heating method ensures that the nutrients of the food are evenly maintained during the cooking process and reduces the local loss of nutrients.

6. Maintain the original flavor of food: There is no need to add additional seasonings when cooking in the air fryer, and the original flavor of food can be better maintained. This means food does not lose its original nutrients due to additional seasonings during the cooking process.

Healthy oil-free cooking air fryers can effectively ensure that the nutrients in food are not lost through fast cooking times, maintaining food moisture, not using additional grease, gentle heating methods, even heating, and maintaining the original taste of food. . Therefore, food cooked in an air fryer is not only healthy and delicious, but also nutritious, making it a healthier cooking choice.